About Us
以前因工作關係,經常到外地公幹。幾年前的一次意大利南部之行,有幸品嚐到一支由當地本土葡萄 Fiano 釀製的佳釀,性價比極高,一試難忘,自此開啟了對意大利美酒的興趣。
意大利有海量的葡萄品種。當中的知識及變化實在引人入勝。每次搜羅意大利美酒,成為了行程必需而有趣的一部份。其後,為讓自己能掌握更多意大利美酒相關的學問,我更進一步修讀意大利葡萄酒最高階的 Italian Wine Scholar 及 Italian Wine Ambassador 深造課程,了解更多當中的底蘊。
在香港,意大利酒不是主流,選擇不多,市面上都以意大利北部的有名產區及酒莊為主。Wine Geek HK 的成立,不只希望引入更多的以各種各樣的原生葡萄為骨幹的美酒,更希望以熱情與大眾分享有趣的與品酒相關或不相關的知識,繼續發掘意大利酒隱世新貴!
In my previous life, I was lucky enough to travel all over the world as part of my job. I can distinctly remember a few years ago when I visited southern Italy and tried a life-changing bottle of local Italian wine. It never crossed my mind until that precise moment that wine could be so good, but also incredible value and relatively undiscovered. I fell in love with Italian wine straight away.
I am fascinated by the huge amount of grape varieties in Italy. The difference in styles and my thirst for knowledge makes it feel like a treasure hunt: I need to know more. I’m glad I have the opportunity to search for brilliant Italian wines all over the world. My passion has been fueled by an Italian Wine Scholar course to boost my Italian wine knowledge further; I graduated with distinction!
Italian wine is not too common in my hometown of Hong Kong, with limited options and mostly big names. Most are from northern Italy, with the southern region lacking some love! This inspired me to start Wine Geek HK, not only picking wines only made with grapes indigenous to Italy and not commonly found in Hong Kong, but most importantly, sharing knowledge and passion about Italy.