風神之子 Corinto 2020
風神之子 Corinto 2020
Producer: Tenuta di Castellaro
Region: Sicily
Grape: 100% Corinto Nero
Wine Type: Still Red
Alcohol: 13%
Format: 750ml
Aging: 1+ Year in Barrel 6+ Months in Bottle
Organic: Yes
Vegan: Yes
來自意大利西西里的 Aeolian 群島,該群島以希臘神話中「風神Aeolus」的名字命名,本酒品以100% 當地葡萄 Corinto Nero 釀製,來自古代希臘,擁有純淨「血統」,所以我們就讓它叫做「風神之子」。
「風神之子」更特別的地方是,它來自西西里,卻有別於大眾所認知的西西利熱情風格,酒體偏向柔和;它來自地中海,但也跟其他一般地中海的酒品不一樣,沒有太強烈的香料氣息,卻帶淡淡微鹹海鹽味;它來自火山土壤,卻又完全跟其他火山帶酒品截然不同, 不帶太濃的礦物味,卻多了一層成熟的果香!「風神之子」就是這樣,幾乎無可比性,萬中無一,特立獨行,讓你一嚐難忘。
Ancestral wine of ruby red color, which smells of wood and ripe fruit.
Typical ripe red fruit, with spicy nuances and green pepper and licorice. Vigorous taste with harmony, savory, not very tannic. Very persistent and elegant. A 100% pure Corinto Nero selection that shows the unique characteristics of this ancient varietal.