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Tenuta Bellafonte

鐵漢柔情 Collenottolo 2011

鐵漢柔情 Collenottolo 2011

Regular price HK$358.00
Regular price Sale price HK$358.00
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Producer: Tenuta Bellafonte
Region: Umbria
Grape: 100% Sagrantino
Wine Type: Still Red
Alcohol: 15%
Format: 750ml
Aging: 36 Months in Oak Barrels 10 Months in Bottle


為甚麼是最硬朗?全因它由世上最強單寧的紅酒葡萄Sagrantino釀製而成!來自意大利中部的 Umbria 行政區,以 100% 的Sagrantino,一款當地獨有而在國際市場上嶄露頭角的葡萄釀造!酒體非常heavy飽滿;卻同時因為酒齡已屆十年,時間的歷練,讓酒也變得相當柔和,令「鐵漢柔情」亦鋼亦柔,口感特別!我們的主理人Joey 曾經到 Montefalco 小鎮品嚐多間酒莊的 Sagrantino 酒款,發現此Tenuta Bellafonte 酒莊散發著非常細緻的布冧、黑莓等成熟黑果味道,在口腔中齒頰留香,因此就帶來了他們的「鐵漢柔情」。寒風中,配搭時令的羊腩煲,鋼柔並重的酒品,更能中和羊的油脂,突出羊腩鮮嫩多汁的濃郁味美!


Intriguing and intense ruby in colour, it unveils refined iris and lavender scents, with raspberry and blueberry conserve, a touch of sweet spicies and aromatic herbs. It creates a great harmony on the palate; in spite of its full bodied tannin structure, it satisfies the palate with its delicate hues of fruit and toasted flavours.

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